Dear Parents,
Thank you for supporting our Summer Fayre on Tuesday.
I am pleased to be able to tell you that we made a profit of £307.06 which will go into Group Funds and be used for expenditure from which the children will benefit.
Thank you also to all the parents who donated cakes to our cake stall at the event.
Halloween Family Party Saturday 28th October: Don’t forget to save the date!
When all the details have been finalised, I will let you know how to get your hands on tickets.
Once again, thanks for …
Hi Everyone,
Just a reminder about our Summer Fayre next Tuesday (11th July) at Breton’s. As you know, just for this week, the Summer Fayre will be replacing the Beaver, Cubs and Scouts Section meetings.
The fun starts at 6.00pm and everyone is welcome. There will numerous games for you and your family to enjoy throughout the evening, ending with a Wellie Boot Throwing competition just before 8.00pm.
Refreshments and Hot Dogs will be available as well as a supply of cakes hopefully supplied by you, for which we thank you.
See you there. …
Don’t forget to come along to our Group Annual General Meeting / Group Camp Meeting, this Tuesday 23rd May 2017 at 7pm. Ibex Hall, Bretons Manor.
Come and hear all about our last 12 months and the plans for the forthcoming camp for all sections.
Should only last an hour or so – please make an effort!
Large dot to dots at scouts
Original Article:
A shortage of leaders has left thousands of children stuck on a waiting list to become Scouts, Beavers, Cubs or Explorers, the Scout Association says.
Here, two people to have donned the Scouts’ woggle and scarf describe the ups and downs of being a volunteer.
Lynn Dredge, who leads her local Beaver group for six- to eight-year-olds in Surrey, says she really enjoys her role.
“You’re able to do things you would have as a child but with your adult’s head on – you still get that level of fun,” she says.
“We …
We had a great night for end of term at Namco bowling in Dagenham. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it and played really well. Although I did see some very interesting bowling techniques!
1st place – Harry V
2nd place – Me (but I play to win)
Joint 3rd place – Peter and Ryan
Well done to all that played tonight. Hope you have a great Easter and enjoy the pictures we took tonight.
See you on Tuesday 18th April.
Sam – Akela
I have the pleasure of joining the Scout Troop on a night hike from North Stifford to Brentwood this evening.
I’ll upload photos of our progress on this post – as long as my battery lasts anyway!
Friday 24th March:
Everyone is happy and rearing to go!
Morale is high – and they don’t seem to know we are here!
Side note: blogging while walking through woods in the dark is a bad idea!
10.30pm Update: we are about to cross over the A127 – just over half-way. The Scouts are asking how much further but …
Various attempts at the artist badge by scouts. Some more successful than others
Well done Samuel! This is the highest award available in Beavers and requires real dedication!
A few snaps from tonights group exec committee